Sunday, October 18, 2009

Ask Yourself these 3 Questions...

something I heard on a recent conference call…
Jim Rohn-“ 3 key question to ask yourself” … This was/is truly enlightening!

***Remember that sometimes your attitude is affected mostly by those you surround yourself with. Ask yourself 3 Key questions. 1.Who am I around?, 2.What are they doing to me, got me doing, acting thinking or feeling 3. Is that ok? If those people are affecting you negatively, pulling you down! Then you have a major decision to make…Disassociation, limited association, and of course expanded associations to get around positive people that exhibit character/dependability, honesty/integrity, optimistic, encouraging & uplifting. ***

One of my favorite quotes by John Andrews ! He said” there is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up”

Have a Blessed Day!
Tina & Michael Terry

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